CAD CAM Implant
Instead of investing and casting for the metal structure of full arch implant bridge, we make the metal structure of the full arch implant bridge in CAD CAM way, it’s milled by milling machine, which can make sure higher precision and accuracy. It turn out to be much more precise, as it always fit perfectly without any tiny adjustments.
- CAD CAM Malo Full Arch Implant Bridge
- CAD CAM Malo Implant Bridge
- Full Arch Zirconia Implant Bridge
- Full Arch Implant Bridge
- Implant Surgery Guide

Screwed retained implant crown made with digital scan files. We can not only make crowns and bridges in conventional way, but also can make in advanced way with digital scan files. This is very convenient for both dentists and patients, as dentists don’t need to take silicone impressions like they always do, but only take scan files from the patient’s mouth, and patients won’t have big silicone impression trays put inside their mouth.
- Model And Impression Scan
- Intra-oral Scan
- Software/Design
- Caremic
- Perfect End Result

Transparent Tray
Are you suffering from uneven teeth and too embarrassed to show your teeth? Do you want perfect and even teeth? Now the transparent tray made by Foo Tian Dental Lab from Shenzhen China can help you. The transparent tray treatment involves an orthodontist or dentist, or with home-based systems, the person themselves, taking a mold of the patient’s teeth, which is used to creat a digital tooth scan. The computerized model suggests stages between the current and desired teeth positions, and trays are created for each stage. Normally each transparent tray should be weared for 1 or 2 weeks, then replace it with another. After wearing all the trays, then you will get amazing final result and even teeth with perfect smile.
It’s completely transparent, which makes them much more discreet than metal braces. People usually don’t notice them.
- Transparent tray treatment
- Completely transparent
- Do you want perfect and even teeth?
- Now the transparent tray made by Foo Tian Dental Lab from Shenzhen China can help you.

Full Ceramic Crown
A zirconia crown is a popular type of all-ceramic crownwhich is worn to improve the appearance of a toothwhich has become stained or disfigured over the years. They are durable, easy to wear and long lasting.
- Full Contour Zirconia
- Zirconium Crowns Can Be Fixed Using Traditional Dental Cements
- Full Contour Zirconia Crown
- Non-prep E-max veneers
- Zirconia is metal-free, which prevents darkening around the gingival area